Friday, July 8, 2011

16 and Pregnant: Jordan Ward (Season 3)

Jordan is already my favorite, so far. The first thing everyone notices about her is her twin sister, Jessica. Her mother couldn't take care of Jordan and Jessica, so their grandparents adopted them when they were nine.
Jordan's boyfriend Brian is very supportive, he even gave up college so they could be a family. Jessica feels like Jordan is replacing her with Brian, because they used to be close but that changed when she met Brian. I hope that Jessica and Jordan work things out. Jessica and Brian fight over if Jessica is going to be in the room when Jordan gives birth.
When Jordan was going through labor, I started crying because she was crying. When baby Noah finally came out Brian started crying, and when they took him away to clean him Jordan told him to follow them.
After Jordan gives birth and they bring Noah home, Jordan starts getting stressed out when Noah won't stop crying. Then Jordan decides to bring him in to get checked out. Turns out Noah has severe acid reflux, and the doctor gives him medicine that should help with it.
After they get back from the hospital Brian has to go to work and go to school, and Jordan is left at home with the baby. Jordan is okay with that because she knows that he is doing it to make a better life for all of them. I am glad that Brian stepped up because not all teenage fathers do *cough* Adam *cough* He is probaly one of the few dads that will.

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