Thursday, July 7, 2011

16 and Pregnant: Aubrey Akerill (Season 2B)

Aubry was with her boyfriend for awhile before she got pregnant, and they want to get married. I think they're young but if that's what they want to do then who can stop them? I mean it's great they want to get married before the baby gets there, but they're young.
After baby Austin Carter was born Aubry kept telling Brandon that she wanted to get a job and help suport their little family. Brandon is against the idea because he thinks that Aubrey should stay home with Austin while he works. He wants her to be the stay at home wife and mom, but Aubrey doesn't want that she wants a job and to get out once in a while. I think that Aubrey should be able to work and help bring in money. It is only fair that the both get to work. Brandon and Aubrey should both work and both take care of austin.
In the end Brandon and Aubrey are together forever now, they can get divorced but they will always be tied together because of Austin. Austin deserves both parents in his life, and hopefully they will always be there for him.

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