What Happened: Myranda is a seventeen year old who is living with her boyfriend, Eric and his grandmother, because Myranda's mother is a drug addict and an alcoholic. Myranda doesn't want her mother to watch her baby Kaylee's Born because she doesn't trust her mother. Then Eric's grandmother tells them that they can't stay there after the baby is born so they have to find a place. Eric's aunt finds them a little house that needs a big clean up. Myranda wants to take her GED so she can stay home with the baby. After Myranda's mother relapses it makes her not want her baby to be around her mother. Myranda's family throws her a baby shower and she isn't too happy that her aunt invited her mother. So her mother tells her that she is ready to get help, because she wants to see her granddaughter. Even after she apologizes to Myranda, she decides to invite only Eric and a friend into the delivery room. When Kaylee is a few weeks old, Myranda and Eric decide to let Myranda's mom watch Kaylee, so they can go out for dinner, and Myranda becomes worried when her mother doesn't answer her phone. They rush through their dinner and go home to check on Myranda's mom, Billie. Myranda and Billie discuss Myranda's trust issues about her.
What I Think: I think that as a young man, Eric is mature and is a really good guy because he stuck by Myranda and is working so he can provide for his new family. Myranda is really lucky to have Eric, and his Grandmother. I hope that in the future Myranda and her mom can be close and she that she can have a mother in her life.